Jump selfie!

Haven't done a selfie in a long time...The eternal problem that a photographer faces: we LOVE imagery but we can't shoot ourselves, or at least not with the ease and flexibility and sensitivity that we have when our own eyes are looking through the viewfinder. So each time we make a "serious" selfie, that is, not with a cell phone or not simply pointing the camera to a mirror, it takes some serious time and effort. I've done many selfies before using tripod and remote, but when it comes to jump shoots, it is nearly impossible without a helping hand. Here thanks to my dear hubby, who so patiently followed all my instructions and repeated the shot a million times, we finally caught a few best shots with nice jumps and, a shower of tiny petals falling from the tree that sparkled in the sunshine - It was just perfect!

Here are some failed shots that didn't make the final cut, I jumped like 300 times that afternoon, it was a serious workout! Modeling is hard work :))